Goals Matter…
Time passes for us all. Without goals, without measuring what we are spending our time doing, we often have little to show for our lives. I remember learning to ride my first bike. It was black (spray painted), weighed a thousand pounds (at least it felt like it) and was a hand me down from my older brother. I taught myself how to ride on our gravel driveway. Gravel is a tough teacher. It reminds you via sharp points and edges that it is better to stay upright on moving than stationary. I came across a video of this young man who at the age of 10 set goals of what he wanted to accomplish on his bike. When you look at his goals and what he accomplished at such a young age, it’s easy to have regrets that you didn’t do the same. Instead, let me encourage you to set goals today. If you set 5 goals this week, and did this for the next 10 weeks, after that time you could look back at 50 things you had accomplished over the last two and a half months. Check him out at age 10. Who knows,by setting and accomplishing goals, you might end up building a skill set that blows people away!