When you think about the words discouragement, or encouragement, have you ever considered the root of the word? Courage. En or Dis, adding or subtracting, to have or need, to be in, or to be without. Courage still stands at the heart of it. I haven’t posted in a while. Life’s circumstances have sidetracked and if I’m being honest, discouraged …
Goals Matter…
Goals Matter… Time passes for us all. Without goals, without measuring what we are spending our time doing, we often have little to show for our lives. I remember learning to ride my first bike. It was black (spray painted), weighed a thousand pounds (at least it felt like it) and was a hand me down from my older brother. …
Sometimes you have to risk breaking it
I painted again for the first time in 2 years last night. There is a particular artist whom I really enjoy and I attempted to replicate his style of oil painting. It was a disaster. At least, it started out that way. I had the canvas completely covered in paint and it resembled nothing like what I wanted. In frustration, I …
At rest, whether I liked it or not…
It’s been a bit since I posted last. Few things knock me down and discourage me like sickness. I was down for the count. 22 consecutive days of being ill. It’s interesting the places your mind goes in such times. Laying in bed; brain and body in a fevered state, I decided I wasn’t “doing” enough in life, nor were …
When you think you can’t; Kyle’s Story
The story of Kyle Maynard is amazing. He inspires me to pursue goals that others think are unattainable. If you want it badly enough, don’t let others tell you that you are not able. Set a goal, make a plan, and go get it!
Goals for 2017
What will 2017 be like for you? Will you take the time to set goals for the new year, or just let it happen to you? Two areas of life that folks often want to see change in are finances and health. In an effort to encourage you to be able to accomplish your goals in both areas, I offer …
Entering into the New Year with a clear heart
I’m so excited to start 2017 with all of the promise and opportunities that await. One of the things I’ve been focused on leading up to the launch of the new year is making sure my heart was right towards people in my life. I knew from some of the things coming out of my mouth (out of the overflow …
Beta testing and almost done!
Soon the all-nighters and staying up till 1:00AM will be behind me and this site will be complete! I’m excited to finally go live in a few short days.
Building the site
I’m excited to be building this website for you. I’ve been learning several new web building tools so it is taking me longer to build this than if I went with something more simple, but I’m encouraged by the outcome thus far. My goal is to launch it January 1st 2017.