Goals for 2017

What will 2017 be like for you?  Will you take the time to set goals for the new year, or just let it happen to you?  Two areas of life that folks often want to see change in are finances and health.  In an effort to encourage you to be able to accomplish your goals in both areas, I offer some suggestions and resources.  For a detailed look at setting goals, check out my goals page.

Financials goals:
Here is a link to a budget work sheet I’ve created.  It has an instruction sheet to show you which cells you can change the values in without deleting or corrupting the formulas.  The second page of it has a place for you to enter and track your financial goals.  Lastly, the monthly sheets will help you manage your finances by a budget and thus make hitting your financial goals easier to do.  The amounts and categories are suggestions only and will need to be changed to reflect your life accordingly.  While this is submitted as a resource for you, I take no responsibility for your financial success or failure, and you should use the worksheet at your own risk.  I hate that I have to write that, but it is the times we live in.  If you find a broken formula or other error, please let me know and I’ll fix it.

Physical health goals:
First, clarify your why.  Your “why” is the reason you have goals in the first place.  “To look good”, will only get you out of bed so many times, and then about the second week of February, you are going to pull those covers up to your eyes, scorn the alarm clock and say forget it!  At least I do. So I had to work on my why.  My”why” is to be in great health long enough to be a great grandfather and enjoy my great grands kids.  After you determine your why, break the physical health goal down into three areas.

  1. Fit.
  2. Form
  3. Function

Fit is where you choose an article of clothing or outfit and decide what you want to look like in it.  Maybe it’s something you already own like a pair of jeans and a shirt you just want to feel good in, or maybe it’s something you will own in the future and you want it to fit great.  Either way, write down what it is and how you want it to fit.

Form is where you look at your body and decide which areas you want to look different in.  Could arms, chest, hips, whatever.  You choose and you define what changes you want to see.  Remember to make them measurable; bigger arms, smaller hips is not specific enough.  How big, how small, how toned?  Specific and measurable.

Function is where you define what you want to be able to do with your body.  I remember recently sitting in a park one afternoon after work.  I watched a group of men playing a pickup game of soccer.  They ran and laughed and played just for the joy of the sport.  At that time, I didn’t have enough physical stamina to be playing an hour’s worth of soccer without having an EMT standing by, but seeing it motivated me to make a change.  This year I have a goal to run a half marathon in September.  I have 256 days to prepare.  But my goal is specific, measurable, and there is a time table associated with it.  Don’t forget in all of these things; have a timeline associated with each goal or it will never happen.

For all of these goals, write them down, choose a picture that will remind you of what you are trying to achieve and put it in a place you will see it daily.  That visual reminder will serve to prompt you to keep moving forward towards your goals.

I wish you the best of success in 2017 and hope you are encouraged daily!

Achieving your goals.

Specific, measurable, time-related goals will happen for you!  

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